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Operating Hours

Sunday7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Monday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Friday5:30 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Kotzen Aquatics Center Hours

Sunday7:00 am - 4:30 pm

Monday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Friday6:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 4:30 pm

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Tuesday, April 11

Erev Passover

Wednesday, April 12

Passover - CLOSED

Thursday, April 13

Passover - CLOSED

Thursday, May 25

Erev Shavuot

Friday, May 26

Shavuot - CLOSED

Saturday, May 27

Shavuot- Pool & Fitness Only

Monday, May 29

Memorial Day - Pool & Fitness Only

8:00 am - 5:00 pm



Lunch & Learn: Author Gabrielle Glaser on her book “American Baby”

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

In this meticulously researched book, Gabrielle Glaser gives her readers a detailed and empathetic portrait of adoption in twentieth-century America. Glaser centers her writing on the experiences of Margaret Erle and the baby boy she gave up for adoption in 1961, following the impact of this decision across countries and upon generations of families. The […]

Lunch & Learn: Jan Cherubin, “The Orphan’s Daughter” (Virtual)

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Jan Cheru­bin has writ­ten for Los Ange­les Mag­a­zine, New York, The Los Ange­les Review of Books, The For­ward, and Sev­en­teen. The Orphan’s Daugh­ter, her debut nov­el, was named a Best Book of 2020 by Kirkus Reviews. She stud­ied writ­ing with Bernard Mala­mud at Ben­ning­ton Col­lege, and lat­er received an MFA in fic­tion from the Ben­ning­ton Writ­ing […]

Lunch & Learn: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

In Honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Why I Must Tell My Grandparents Story: Panel discussion with Third Generation (3G) Members. Join Holocaust Survivor Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff and three members of the 3G, grandchildren of the Holocaust Survivor generation group as they discuss their grandparents' histories and why they have taken up the gauntlet […]

Special Speaker Series: Bea Hines: Reflections on Community Relations & Building Bridges

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

This event is part of the JCC's Wednesdays at the JCC Special Speaker Series.  If you are attending, individually boxed/wrapped snacks and refreshments will be served.  If you are a non-member attending this event we ask for a $10 contribution for the refreshments. Join us for a conversation with Bea Hines, the first Black journalist hired by […]

Lunch & Learn: Joshua Henkin, “Morningside Heights”

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Joshua Henkin is the author of Swim­ming Across the Hud­son, Mat­ri­mo­ny, and The World With­out You, win­ner of the Edward Lewis Wal­lant Award for Jew­ish Amer­i­can Fic­tion and final­ist for the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award. He was raised as an Ortho­dox Jew on Man­hat­tan’s Upper West Side and now lives in Brook­lyn with his wife, […]

Special Literary Event: Davie Weill – Exhale: Hope, Healing and a Life in Transplant

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Join us for an interesting afternoon with Dr. David Weill, author his memoir, Exhale: Hope, Healing and a Life in Transplant Exhale is the riveting memoir of a top transplant doctor who rode the emotional rollercoaster of saving and losing lives—until it was time to step back and reassess his own life.

Meg Waite Clayton, “The Postmistress of Paris”

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

This Literary Series event is part of the JCC's Wednesday's at the JCC Special Speaker Series.  Individually boxed/wrapped snacks and refreshments will be served.  If you are a non-member attending this event we ask for a $10 contribution for the refreshments. The New York Times bestselling author of The Last Train to London revisits the dark early days of the […]

Mindelle Pierce: Love With No Tomorrow

FL, United States

Thank you for joining us for the JCC Special Speaker Series event with Mindelle Pierce, author of Love With No Tomorrow:  Romantic Love During the Holocaust. This book explores the extreme lengths to which two people went to express and maintain their love during the Holocaust. Join author, Mindelle Pierce and special guest Ralph Berger, […]

Special Speaker Series: Hiding From the Nazis-Parallel Lives

FL, United States

Thank you for joining us for this JCC Special Speaker Series event in honor of Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Memorial Day. Hear the fascinating stories of Local Child Survivors, Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff and Laszlo Selly and how their lives were saved during the Holocaust.

Lunch and Learn: Art as Positive Therapy

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

“It’s Art Week! Let’s tap into our creativity to help manage our stress in better ways! Please join Beth Ruhmann, Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist from Baptist Health as she shares various ways to use art to help us relax and refresh ourselves.”

Lunch and Learn: Dr. Marc Agronin: Living a Longer More Purposeful Life

FL, United States

Living a Longer, More Purposeful Life: Treatment and Caring for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Join Dr. Marc Agronin, the Senior VP for Behavioral Health and Chief Medical Officer for the MIND Institute at Miami Jewish Health and a national expert on Alzheimer’s disease and other geriatric health issues for a very informative program.  […]

Lunch and Learn Andrea Askowitz

FL, United States

Everyone Has a Story. What’s Yours with Andrea Askowitz of Writing Class Radio. We’ll talk about storytelling and how storytelling will change you and the world.

Lunch and Learn: Dahlia Bendavid

FL, United States

Boost Your Happiness Happiness can have a huge impact on how we live our lives. What makes us happy? Can we learn to be happy? Looking at the ‘Science of Happiness,’ we will explore how to find happiness and joy and look at what we can do to bring more positivity into our day-to-day lives

Lunch and Learn JADA

FL, United States

Scholar Artist JÔNATAS will speak about how since the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions of the fifteenth Century, the group interchangeably known as Marranos, Conversos, new-Christians, crypto-Jews, or simply Gente da Nação has had significant representation within the Arts. By observing the depictions made by crypto-Jewish artists, their descendants, or by non-Jewish creators who featured them […]

Literary Luncheon: Lisa Barr- Woman on Fire

FL, United States

This Literary Series event is part of the JCC's Wednesday at the JCC Special Speakers Series. Lisa Barr has included all kinds of intriguing elements in this enjoyable read: Nazi-looted art, old-school journalism, fashion, deception, and romance. Protagonist Jules is a budding journalist determine to get the whole story and insure that the painting Woman […]

Special Speaker Series- Debbie Applegate- Madam

FL, United States

Debbie Applegate is the author of Madam, the biography of Polly Adler (1900-1962), the most infamous and influential madam on Jazz Age New York City. More than a biography, this is a colorful and unusual history of Jewish life told through the perspective of a "good Jewish girl" from a Russian shtetl who immigrated to […]

Lunch and Learn: Spoonfully Yours

FL, United States

Join Patti for a cooking demonstration showcasing her grandmother's challah bread pudding while she shares stories and life lessons she learned while making this recipe with her grandmother.

Lunch and Learn: Rabbi Laila Haas

FL, United States

Love, Betrayal, Power & Faith: The Story of Esther Join Rabbi Laila Haas, CAJE’s Director of Adult Learning & Growth, to explore the character of Esther and the story behind the Holidays of Purim.

Lunch and Learn with Dan Hudak Best Picture Oscar Talk

FL, United States

A lifelong film lover, Dan Hudak has worked extensively as a film critic in print, radio, and television. He will show clips from all ten Best Picture Oscar-nominated films, and predict who’s going to win the big prize on Oscar night. It’s a lively, enjoyable lecture even if you haven’t seen any of the nominated […]

Lunch and Learn: Jennifer Waxman from Imagine Farms

FL, United States

Imagine Farms produces large quantities of food in an urban city center on a compact footprint, growing a range of fresh fruits and vegetables. Jennifer will discuss the innovation of indoor hydroponic farming, how it is good for the environment, and an economical way to deal with food insecurity.

Lunch & Learn: Plant Based Diets

FL, United States

Featuring Lucette Talamas, Registered Dietitian Plant-based? Vegan? Vegetarian? - What's the difference? Join Baptist Health Registered Dietitian explain the different types of plant-based diets so you can find the right one for you!

Rochelle Weinstein

FL, United States

Rochelle, a USA Today best-selling author, will talk about her latest book, "When We Let Go." A moving novel about family and forgiveness and hope and healing. She will be in conversation with Lauren Margolin, who is known as "The Good Book Fairy." Lauren will share some of her favorite Jewish book picks!

Special Speaker Series: Jeffrey Weiss | Fighting Back

FL, United States

Fighting Back: Stan Andrews and the Birth of the Israeli Air Force by Jeffrey Weiss is the story of an assimilated American Jew and World War II veteran who in 1948 became one of the first fighter pilots in the Israeli air force. The book follows Stan's short but dazzling life and his bravery as […]

Literary Luncheon: Pam Jenoff

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Best-selling author Pam Jenoff will discuss her latest book, Code Named Saphire, at our "Pre-Season" Literary Luncheon on Thursday, October 26 at 12:30 PM. Hannah Martel flees Nazi Germany and joins the Sapphire Line, a secret Belgian resistance network led by a mysterious woman named Micheline and her enigmatic brother Matteo. Inspired by incredible true stories […]

JCC-U Opening Event

Please join us for the special JCC-U Opening event with a special keynote speaker Liel Leibovits. The line-up of classes for the day will include: Music Appreciation with Alan Mason Art History experience with Natanya Blanck Special Lunch & Learn program with Liel Leibovitz. Liel Lei­bovitz is the edi­tor at large for Tablet Mag­a­zine and […]

Israel: What’s happening?

 Lunch and Learn with Yehuda Michael We'll discuss current Israeli affairs focusing on war in Israel. We can look into the reason behind the current war in Israel. How the current war is different than the previous operations in Gaza? The impact of the war on the region and beyond. Where is this going into […]

Art, architecture, and wine in the south of France

Dec. 6 – Lunch and Learn Natanya Blanck, Art, architecture, and wine in southern France. This Art Basel season, join art historian Natanya Blanck as she takes us on a sun-filled walk on the grounds of the Château La Coste. Located in the Provence region of France, this exceptional vineyard is renowned for its blend […]

Elizabeth Graver – Literary Luncheon

Join award winning author Elizabeth Graver who will talk about her latest book, Kantika,  at the the JCC's December Literary Luncheon/Community Read on Wednesday, December 13 at 12:30 PM. A kaleidoscopic portrait of one family’s displacement across four countries, Kantika—“song” in Ladino—follows the joys and losses of Rebecca Cohen, feisty daughter of the Sephardic elite of […]

Anne Burt – Literary Luncheon

When Sarajevo-born siblings Antonia and Paul were adopted by a wealthy Midwestern family in the 1990s, a series of events with deadly consequences was set in motion. Informed by timely issues of immigration, capitalism, and justice, yet timeless in its themes of love, identity, and competing loyalties, The Dig, inspired by the Greek tragedy Antigone, […]

Lunch & Learn: Spices & Cooking Demo

THE DELICIOUS DOZEN SPICES THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE and cooking demo with chef Rob Rosenthal If you’re tired of the same old, same old, this is the class for you! Spices fundamentally enhance the flavor of our foods and bring exciting new flavor profiles to your home cooking. Rob Rosenthal will walk you through […]

Lunch & Learn: Tu Beshvat Seder Exotic Fruit Tasting

Tu Beshvat Seder Exotic Fruit Discovery Session (Fruit tasting) with Inna Lomanov Inna Lomanov Fruitarian, founder of the MFT21 Day Program Inna Lomanov is the founder of the MFT21 Day Program. She is a fruitarian, exotic fruit connoisseur, fruit hunter, plant based/raw vegan, lifestyle expert, chef, and health coach from Long Island, NY. Mother to three toddlers, Inna helps […]

Lunch & Learn: The Deepest Mysteries of the Deep

The Deepest Mysteries of the Deep with  Rabbi Ed Rosenthal Living on Miami Beach, we all love the water.  Like the call of the Sirens, the water beckons us. What is it about this, the most common substance on earth that has no color, no flavor, no smell, no form, that mesmerizes us so? We learn […]

Giola Diliberto – Literary Luncheon

Author Gioria Diliberto will present about her latest novel, Coco at the Ritz, at the the JCC's February Literary Luncheon on Wednesday, February 14 at 12:30 PM. Though her name is synonymous with elegance and chic, the iconic Coco Chanel had a complicated dark side, and in late August 1944, as World War II drew to a […]

Lunch & Learn:”The Unexpected Gift of Trauma”

RSVP Dr. Edith Shiro is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Miami, Florida and the author of The Unexpected Gift of Trauma: The Path to Posttrauamtic Growth, winner of the 2023 International Latino Book Awards. Dr. Shiro is also co-founder of the Trauma and Resilience Center, board member of the World Happiness Foundation, and an active member of […]

Lunch & Learn: “The Skincare Hoax” with Fayne Frey

RSVP The Skincare Hoax: How You're Being Tricked into Buying Lotions, Potions & Wrinkle Cream with Fayne Frey Feel Empowered and Beautiful at Any Age with This Groundbreaking Guide to Skincare We all want to have young and healthy skin, yet the beauty industry is so mixed in its messages that most consumers have no […]

Lunch & Learn: The Lehman Trilogy play analyzing with John Dalton

The Lehman Trilogy comes to Miami for the First Time in South Florida this Spring after winning 5 Tony Awards and multiple awards in London.  In this Epic piece of storytelling, three actors play over 30 roles, triumphantly journeying through 163 years of American History. The play begins as a Jewish Bavarian Immigrant, Henry Lehman,  […]

Lau­ren Belfer – Literary Luncheon

RSVP “How many lives can you imagine yourself living?”So Hannah Larson wonders. When a close relative falls ill, Hannah and her young son, Nicky, decide to join him for the summer at Ashton Hall, a historic manor house outside Cambridge, England. Hannah gave up her academic career to raise her beloved child, who is neurodivergent […]

Lunch & Learn: Chag HaSigd The Festival of Sigd with Israeli Shaliach Yehuda Michael

On Sigd, Ethiopian Jews pray to God and plead for a return to Zion, the land of the Torah, and specifically Jerusalem. The community engages in introspection and reflection - in addition to the individual self-examination of Yom Kippur, this reflects and focuses on joint communal behavior. There are no written sources about the origins […]

Aaron Hamburger, Hotel Cuba – Literary Luncheon

RSVP Award winning author Aaron Hamburger is our Literary Luncheon guest on Wednesday, April 10 at 12:30 pm. He will present about his latest novel, Hotel Cuba. Fleeing the chaos of World War I and the terror of the Soviet Revolution, practical, sensible Pearl Kahn and her lovestruck, impulsive younger sibling Frieda sail for America […]

Sharsheret – Breast Cancer Awareness Month Luncheon

You’re invited to a special Lunch & Learn event hosted by Miami Beach JCC in collaboration with Sharsheret. Join us as we honor the stories of breast cancer survivors and explore how various forms of art—music, visual, literary, and dance—play a crucial role in healing and enhancing well-being. The program will include screening guidelines and […]

JCCU Day of Learning – Lunch & Learn – Author Eric Weintraub

This program was made possible by the generous support from Baptist Health 12:30 PM - JCC-U Lunch and Learn: Eric Weintraub - South of Sefarad: The 1492 Jewish Expulsion from Spain This debut novel tells the tale of a Spanish Jewish Family who went into exile after being expelled from Spain in 1492, leaving behind […]

JCCU Day of Learning – Lunch & Learn: Surviving the Survivor Podcast

Surviving the Survivor Podcast JOEL WALDMAN PODCAST HOST Joel is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist. He brings more than two decades of experience crafting stories, including long-form documentaries. KARMELA WALDMAN PODCAST HOST Karm is a Holocaust survivor and has been a licensed marriage therapist for over 40 years. Many know her as Joel’s mom and […]

JCC-U Day of Learning: A Day Full of Discovery, Conversation, and Connection

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Wednesday, January 8, 9:15 AM JCC-U Day of Learning: A Day Full of Discovery, Conversation, and Connection 9:15 AM - Coffee, Conversation, and Surprise Topic Start your JCC-U Day with the perfect blend of coffee, engaging conversation, and a dash of surprise topics. Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff will host this lively discussion that promises to […]