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Operating Hours

Sunday7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Monday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Friday5:30 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Kotzen Aquatics Center Hours

Sunday7:00 am - 4:30 pm

Monday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Friday6:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Upcoming Holidays

Tuesday, April 11

Erev Passover

Wednesday, April 12

Passover - CLOSED

Thursday, April 13

Passover - CLOSED

Thursday, May 25

Erev Shavuot

Friday, May 26

Shavuot - CLOSED

Saturday, May 27

Shavuot- Pool & Fitness Only

Monday, May 29

Memorial Day - Pool & Fitness Only

8:00 am - 5:00 pm



MBJCC Book Club: Red Sea Spies (Virtual)

FL, United States

Red Sea Spies: The True Story of Mossad’s Fake Diving Resort by Raffi Berg Moderated book discussion, followed by author q&a. In the ear­ly 1980s, on a remote part of the Sudanese coast, a new lux­u­ry resort opened for busi­ness. Cater­ing to divers, it attract­ed guests from around the world. Lit­tle did the guests know that the […]

Literary: Naomi Ragen, An Observant Wife (Virtual)

FL, United States

FL JCCs Present: A World of Books: Authors from Israel & Around the World Naomi Ragen, An Observant Wife $10 | Free to Members Nao­mi Ragen is an award-win­ning nov­el­ist, jour­nal­ist, and play­wright. Her first book, Jeph­te’s Daugh­ter, was list­ed among the one-hun­dred most impor­tant Jew­ish books of all time. Her best­selling nov­els include Sotah, The Covenant, The […]

Jfest: Sparking the Jewish Story: The Objects That Define Us (Virtual)

FL, United States

COMMUNITY EVENT: JFEST Sparking the Jewish Story: The Objects That Define Us Jewish Book Council, Reboot, and JFest present Laura Arnold Leibman, author of the National Jewish Book Award-winning “The Art of the Jewish Family,” in conversation with Juliet Simmons, creator of Reboot’s “What Would You Bring” initiative. They’ll discuss Jewish storytelling, resilience, and the power of collective memory with moderator Kendell Pinkney, a Jewish educator, theatre-maker, rabbinical student, and creator […]

On Give Miami Day Your Donation Belongs Here

FL, United States

Sure, we offer the community after-school programs, aquatics, children's camps, gymnastics, basketball, flag football, and other sports classes & leagues, a state-of-the-art fitness center, cultural programs, personalized training, over 60 free group exercise classes, a zero-depth entry heated pool, basketball courts, and an indoor racquetball court…..and it's all powered by COMMUNITY. Here are the numbers... […]

MBJCC Literary Series: Jonathan Santlofer, The Last Mona Lisa

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

The Last Mona Lisa is an alluring, fascinating tale predominantly set in Paris during 1911, as well as present-day Florence, that takes us into the lives of Vincent Peruggia, a young man who, after losing his wife suddenly to illness, will do whatever it takes to earn enough money to be reunited with his son, […]

The Lost Restaurants of Greater Miami with Seth Bramson

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

In-person and Virtual Seth Bramson is “Mr. Miami Memorabilia,” and he is America’s senior collector of Miami memorabilia and Floridiana. His collection of—as he likes to say—“all that junque!”—is the largest in private hands in America, but, and in addition, his collection of Greater Miami restaurant and club memorabilia is the largest in public or […]

Florida Book Series: Lori Kaufmann, Rebel Daughter

FL, United States

Welcome to the Florida JCCs Book & Author Series. Lori Kaufmann, The Rebel Daughter A young woman survives the unthinkable in this stunning and emotionally satisfying tale of family, love, and resilience, set against the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. LORI BANOV KAUFMANN was a strategy consultant for high-tech companies before she became a […]

Lunch & Learn: Author Gabrielle Glaser on her book “American Baby”

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

In this meticulously researched book, Gabrielle Glaser gives her readers a detailed and empathetic portrait of adoption in twentieth-century America. Glaser centers her writing on the experiences of Margaret Erle and the baby boy she gave up for adoption in 1961, following the impact of this decision across countries and upon generations of families. The […]

Lunch & Learn: Jan Cherubin, “The Orphan’s Daughter” (Virtual)

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Jan Cheru­bin has writ­ten for Los Ange­les Mag­a­zine, New York, The Los Ange­les Review of Books, The For­ward, and Sev­en­teen. The Orphan’s Daugh­ter, her debut nov­el, was named a Best Book of 2020 by Kirkus Reviews. She stud­ied writ­ing with Bernard Mala­mud at Ben­ning­ton Col­lege, and lat­er received an MFA in fic­tion from the Ben­ning­ton Writ­ing […]

Pandemic Inspiration: The Joy of Life in Conversation with Artist Benito Esquenazi

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

PANDEMIC INSPIRATION: THE JOY OF LIFE EXHIBITION Moderated by Mindy Solomon Mindy Solomon Gallery IN-PERSON AND VIRTUAL   The Joy of Life exhibition is filling the walls of the Schwartz-Jacobs Family Gallery of the JCC with vibrant colors and images. The paintings were produced over the last two years by Cuban Jewish Artist Benito Esquenazi as […]

Lunch & Learn: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

In Honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Why I Must Tell My Grandparents Story: Panel discussion with Third Generation (3G) Members. Join Holocaust Survivor Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff and three members of the 3G, grandchildren of the Holocaust Survivor generation group as they discuss their grandparents' histories and why they have taken up the gauntlet […]

Lunch & Learn: Joshua Henkin, “Morningside Heights”

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Joshua Henkin is the author of Swim­ming Across the Hud­son, Mat­ri­mo­ny, and The World With­out You, win­ner of the Edward Lewis Wal­lant Award for Jew­ish Amer­i­can Fic­tion and final­ist for the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award. He was raised as an Ortho­dox Jew on Man­hat­tan’s Upper West Side and now lives in Brook­lyn with his wife, […]

Florida JCC’s Book/Author Series: Uri Adoni – The Unstoppable Start Up

FL, United States

Welcome to the Florida JCCs Book & Author Series. Thursday, 1:00 PM, February 17:  Uri Adoni,  "The Unstoppable Startup:  Mastering Israel's Secret Rules of Chutzpah “THE BOLD SECRET TO SUC­CESS­FUL STARTUPS” Vet­er­an ven­ture cap­i­tal­ist Uri Adoni shares the secrets to Israel’s incred­i­ble track record of suc­cess in this new guide that will help make any start­up unstop­pable. More than half […]

FL JCC’s Present: Gwen Strauss: The Nine (Virtual)

FL, United States

10, featuring Gwen Strauss, author of "The Nine." The Nine fol­lows the true sto­ry of the author's great aunt Hélène Podliasky, who led a band of nine female resis­tance fight­ers as they escaped a Ger­man forced labor camp and made a ten-day jour­ney across the front lines of WWII from Ger­many back to Paris. Gwen Strauss' poems, short sto­ries, and […]

Mindelle Pierce: Love With No Tomorrow

FL, United States

Thank you for joining us for the JCC Special Speaker Series event with Mindelle Pierce, author of Love With No Tomorrow:  Romantic Love During the Holocaust. This book explores the extreme lengths to which two people went to express and maintain their love during the Holocaust. Join author, Mindelle Pierce and special guest Ralph Berger, […]

Florida JCC’s Present: Phyllis Chesler, Requiem for a Female Serial Killer

FL, United States

Welcome to the Florida JCCs Book & Authors Series evening with author, Phyllis Chesler. Please join us for an evening with the author Phyllis Chester presenting on her book: Requiem for a Female Serial Killer.  This psychological crime thriller takes us inside the mind of a unique female serial killer, a prostitute who murdered seven adult men—a […]

Florida JCC’s Present: Phyllis Chesler, Requiem for a Female Serial Killer

FL, United States

Welcome to the Florida JCCs Book & Authors Series evening with author, Phyllis Chesler. Please join us for an evening with the author Phyllis Chester presenting on her book: Requiem for a Female Serial Killer.  This psychological crime thriller takes us inside the mind of a unique female serial killer, a prostitute who murdered seven adult men—a […]

FL JCC’s Author Series: Iddo Gefen – Jerusalem Beach Stories

FL, United States

Thank you for registering the Florida JCC's Book series on Thursday, April 21 at 1:00 PM, featuring Iddo Gefen, author of Jerusalem Beach:  Stories. At once compassionate, philosophical, and humorous, Jerusalem Beach is a foray into the human condition in all its contradictions. Through a series of snapshots of contemporary life in Israel, Gefen reveals a world […]

Virtual Author Event: Naomi Ragen, The Enemy Beside Me


Inspired by true events, The Enemy Beside Me is a powerful, provocative novel about two people fighting for reconciliation over unforgivable crimes of the past. Milia Gottstein is head of an organization dedicated to bringing Nazi war criminals to justice. An invitation from the head of a Holocaust conference leads to their replacing antagonism with growing intimacy, […]

FL JCC Author Event: Lisa Scottoline- Loyalty

Loyalty is an emotional, action-packed epic set during the rise of the Mafia well before the events of The Godfather. This novel transports the reader to 19th-century Sicily, a dramatic and ruggedly beautiful island with a turbulent history of colonization and corruption. Giovanni is kidnapped as a young boy and grows up in a madhouse. […]

Virtual Author Event: Rosanne Leipzig- Honest Aging


Honest Aging is by Dr. Roseanne M. Leipzig, a top doctor with over 35 years of experience caring for older people. It is an indispensable guide to the second half of life, describing what to expect physically, psychologically, functionally, and emotionally as you age.  Leipzig, an expert in evidence-based geriatrics, highlights how 80-year-olds differ from 60-year-olds […]

Virtual Author Event: Jonathan Freedland- The Escape Artist


Jonathan Freedland's superb writing fills the reader with rage, despair, and admiration for the stubborn resistance of the human spirit. It is heart-wrenching to read the story of Rudolf Vrba, who is a mere nineteen years of age, and his fellow concentration camp inmate Fred Wetzler, who is twenty-six. It is the spring of 1944, […]

Virtual Author Event: Normon H. Finklestein


The first in a series of author events in conjunction with South Florida JCC's. Say­ing No to Hate traces the his­to­ry of Amer­i­can anti­semitism and the Jew­ish community’s response. It offers us a deep­er under­stand­ing of how events in America’s past have informed the mete­oric rise in hatred and vio­lence we see today. Finkelstein’s book […]

Virtual Author Event: Binyamin Cohen


Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series. The Ein­stein Effect by Binyamin Cohoen shows all the ways, 70 years after his death, Albert Einstein’s influ­ence is still with us today — in our sys­tems and our cul­ture. Inter­spersed between chap­ters on his long-last­ing sci­en­tif­ic lega­cy, author Benyamin Cohen (the mind behind Ein­stein’s Twit­ter account!) also tells […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event – Lihi Lapid

Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series with Lihi Lapid. Lihi Lapid’s nov­el, On Her Own, is a sto­ry of daugh­ters, moth­ers, and grand­moth­ers. Nina, the novel’s teenage pro­tag­o­nist, has run away from home fol­low­ing an argu­ment with her moth­er over a long-held dis­pute about Nina dat­ing an old­er man. On her first night with this […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event – Aleeza Ben Shalom

Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series with Aleeza Ben Shalom. In her par­a­digm-shift­ing book, Matchmaker, Matchmaker; Find me a Love That Lasts, Aleeza Ben Shalom, dat­ing coach and Net­flix star, will guide read­ers through her high­ly orig­i­nal per­spec­tive on dat­ing, reveal­ing the sur­pris­ing ways in which a person’s dat­ing habits direct­ly influ­ence their […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event: Andrew Millen

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Join us for the virtual FL JCC Author Series with Andrew Mellen, the "most organized man in America," as he shares insights from his book Unstuff Your Life! Learn simple, lasting techniques to streamline your life, including never losing your keys, stopping paper clutter, managing bills, and reclaiming your space. Andrew shows you how to […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event: Tobias Buck

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Join us for our Virtual Author Series with Tobias Buck, author of Final Verdict. Buck’s compelling book takes us into a Hamburg courtroom, telling the story of Bruno Dey, a former Nazi guard charged with aiding in the murder of over 5,000 people. At 93, Dey faced justice 70 years after his crimes. Buck’s engaging […]