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JCC Operating Hours

Operating Hours

Sunday7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Monday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday5:30 am - 8:30 pm

Friday5:30 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Kotzen Aquatics Center Hours

Sunday7:00 am - 4:30 pm

Monday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Tuesday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Wednesday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday6:00 am - 8:30 pm

Friday6:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Upcoming Holidays

Tuesday, April 11

Erev Passover

Wednesday, April 12

Passover - CLOSED

Thursday, April 13

Passover - CLOSED

Thursday, May 25

Erev Shavuot

Friday, May 26

Shavuot - CLOSED

Saturday, May 27

Shavuot- Pool & Fitness Only

Monday, May 29

Memorial Day - Pool & Fitness Only

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Hero 1

Negev Stories of Rebuilding and Resilience with Ilan Troen, Professor Emeritus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

RSVP Please join Miami Beach JCC in Partnership with Americans for Ben Gurion University for an evening with Professor Ilan Troen. Prof. Ilan Troen will share his firsthand account of Israel’s October 7 terrorist attacks when, sadly, his daughter and son-in-law were murdered. A historian of Israel and Jewish studies and resident of Beer-Sheva, Prof. […]

UNBOUND: Celebrating Women Writers by Claire Holt

RSVP UNBOUND Celebrating Women Writers by Claire Holt A series of photographs of culturally significant, award-winning women writers. Claire Holt is an accomplished portrait photographer and photojournalist whose work has been featured in many publications, including The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, New York Newsday as well as the Associated Press.  […]

Comedy Night with Kira Soltanovich

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

TICKETS Kira Soltanovich is best known as the voice of the photo booth on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. A one time bit turned into almost 9 years as a correspondent on the show. She was a regular on both seasons of Punchline on FOX and look for Kira as the surly sidekick to host […]

Lunch & Learn: “The Skincare Hoax” with Fayne Frey

RSVP The Skincare Hoax: How You're Being Tricked into Buying Lotions, Potions & Wrinkle Cream with Fayne Frey Feel Empowered and Beautiful at Any Age with This Groundbreaking Guide to Skincare We all want to have young and healthy skin, yet the beauty industry is so mixed in its messages that most consumers have no […]

Israeli Film Series: Cinema Sabaya

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

RSVP Please join us for this month's Israeli Film Series screening of the movie - The LIttle Things -  on Monday,Please join us for this month's Israeli Film Series screening of the movie - Cinema Sabaya-  on Monday, March 12 at 7:30 pm. Israel’s official entry to the Academy Awards for Best International Feature Film and […]

Lunch & Learn: The Lehman Trilogy play analyzing with John Dalton

The Lehman Trilogy comes to Miami for the First Time in South Florida this Spring after winning 5 Tony Awards and multiple awards in London.  In this Epic piece of storytelling, three actors play over 30 roles, triumphantly journeying through 163 years of American History. The play begins as a Jewish Bavarian Immigrant, Henry Lehman,  […]

Beyond the Glass Ceiling – A conversation with the President and CEO of The Corcoran Group, Pamela Liebman

FREE AND OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY RSVP The Miami Beach JCC community comes together for International Women's Day on March 7 to celebrate women's achievements, successes, and leadership. Join us for the conversation with the President and CEO of The Corcoran Group, Pamela Liebman Pamela Liebman is President and Chief Executive Officer of The Corcoran […]

Get Unstuck in Love with Bari Lyman

TICKETS Meet Your Love Strategist Bari Lyman is the founder of Meet to Marry™ and Get Unstuck in Love, a transformational dating method that has helped thousands of singles get unstuck in love, permanently break free from unconscious dating & relationship patterns, and summon their soulmate. Her approach is refreshingly different from the typical "dating […]

Jeremy Dauber: Mel Brooks-Disobedient Jew

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

TICKETS Enjoy Dauber’s insights into one of the great comic voices of the 20th century. Born Melvin Kaminsky in Brooklyn in 1926, he began by channeling the Jewish sensibilities of his old neighborhood into characters like the 2000-Year-Old Man and became an acclaimed director, actor, producer and songwriter, creating movies like “Blazing Saddles,” Young Frankenstein,” […]

Play Reading – Esther in the Spotlight

RSVP Presented by YILove Jewish, please join us  for this series of Jewish themed play readings offered by the Miami Beach JCC during the year.  The Esther in the Spotlight by Rich Orloff play reading will be performed by local stage actor Avi Hoffman and a cast on Tuesday, March 19, 7:30 pm. ESTHER IN […]

Lau­ren Belfer – Literary Luncheon

RSVP “How many lives can you imagine yourself living?”So Hannah Larson wonders. When a close relative falls ill, Hannah and her young son, Nicky, decide to join him for the summer at Ashton Hall, a historic manor house outside Cambridge, England. Hannah gave up her academic career to raise her beloved child, who is neurodivergent […]

UNSTOPPABLE – In Dialogue With Ivan Wilzig & Joshua M. Greene

TICKETS The Unbelievable True Story UNSTOPPABLE In Dialogue With Ivan Wilzig & Joshua M. Greene Siggi B. Wilzig's Astonishing Journey from Auschwitz Survivor and Penniless Immigrant to Wall Street Legend Joshua M. Greene, is a Fellow at Yale University’s Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. He has been a featured speaker at the Pentagon, the […]

Lunch & Learn: Chag HaSigd The Festival of Sigd with Israeli Shaliach Yehuda Michael

On Sigd, Ethiopian Jews pray to God and plead for a return to Zion, the land of the Torah, and specifically Jerusalem. The community engages in introspection and reflection - in addition to the individual self-examination of Yom Kippur, this reflects and focuses on joint communal behavior. There are no written sources about the origins […]

Roots Tour: A Siblings Journey From Hatred To Harmony

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

RSVP   Roots Tour - A Sibling Journey: From Hatred to Harmony, Directed by Christian Hanna, Jessica Marriott, Dr Bluma Sapir Synopsis: 70% of all domestic violence reported is from sibling abuse. That’s higher than spousal abuse, and no one talks about it. My sister and I hated each other our entire lives, until November […]

Israeli Film Series

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Please join us for the last film in our Israeli Film Series on Monday, April 8 at 7:30 pm

Aaron Hamburger, Hotel Cuba – Literary Luncheon

RSVP Award winning author Aaron Hamburger is our Literary Luncheon guest on Wednesday, April 10 at 12:30 pm. He will present about his latest novel, Hotel Cuba. Fleeing the chaos of World War I and the terror of the Soviet Revolution, practical, sensible Pearl Kahn and her lovestruck, impulsive younger sibling Frieda sail for America […]

College Admissions for the Jewish Soul

RSVP Jewish students need to feel safe and supported on college campuses. We’ve seen the news, and navigating the colleges and the college admissions process can be stressful and confusing.  This free seminar hosted by International College Counselors will help parents of Jewish teenage children to understand some of the following: What’s changed in Jewish […]

Play Reading: The Little Flower and the Last Dinosaur

RSVP Join YI Love Jewish for a free play reading of The Little Flower and The Last Dinosaur by Eleanor Reissa on Wednesday, May 1 at the Miami Beach JCC. This free event features two contrasting monologues delivered with musical accompaniment. The play explores themes of resilience and hope through the eyes of a tiny […]

Comedy Night – Brad Zimmerman

Brad Zimmerman My Son The Waiter is Actor/Comedian Brad Zimmerman's hilarious and inspiring story about the grit and passion required to 'make it' as an artist and the sweet rewards that come from never giving up on your dream. Specifically, Brad moved to New York City and "temporarily" waited tables for 29 years, while continuing […]

Yom HaZikaron – Resilience and Remembrance: Female Voices after October 7

RSVP Yom HaZikaron is a Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism. Join us for a poignant evening of reflection and empowerment as we commemorate October 7, the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust, and stand in solidarity with the courageous women of Israel. […]

Virtual Author Event: Jonathan Freedland- The Escape Artist


Jonathan Freedland's superb writing fills the reader with rage, despair, and admiration for the stubborn resistance of the human spirit. It is heart-wrenching to read the story of Rudolf Vrba, who is a mere nineteen years of age, and his fellow concentration camp inmate Fred Wetzler, who is twenty-six. It is the spring of 1944, […]

Special Film Screening: Ask Dr. Ruth

Join us a very special tribute to Dr. Ruth Westheimer (1928-2024), with a screening of a fabulous documentary about her - "Ask Dr. Ruth." Following the film presentation, there will be a panel discussion featuring Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff, Founder and Director of the Holocaust Teacher's Institute; Dr. Nikki Freeman, Education Director at the Holocaust […]

Virtual Author Event: Normon H. Finklestein


The first in a series of author events in conjunction with South Florida JCC's. Say­ing No to Hate traces the his­to­ry of Amer­i­can anti­semitism and the Jew­ish community’s response. It offers us a deep­er under­stand­ing of how events in America’s past have informed the mete­oric rise in hatred and vio­lence we see today. Finkelstein’s book […]

Virtual Author Event: Binyamin Cohen


Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series. The Ein­stein Effect by Binyamin Cohoen shows all the ways, 70 years after his death, Albert Einstein’s influ­ence is still with us today — in our sys­tems and our cul­ture. Inter­spersed between chap­ters on his long-last­ing sci­en­tif­ic lega­cy, author Benyamin Cohen (the mind behind Ein­stein’s Twit­ter account!) also tells […]

Sharsheret – Breast Cancer Awareness Month Luncheon

You’re invited to a special Lunch & Learn event hosted by Miami Beach JCC in collaboration with Sharsheret. Join us as we honor the stories of breast cancer survivors and explore how various forms of art—music, visual, literary, and dance—play a crucial role in healing and enhancing well-being. The program will include screening guidelines and […]

JCC-U Opening Event 2024 Season

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Please join us for the JCC-U Opening event, which will feature a special guest: Keynote speaker Dr. Arjun Desai, a leading specialist in longevity and health. Meet the instructors (bridge, canasta, mahjong art, piano, Spanish, and more), register for classes, and make new friends. Free lunch will be served. Special Lunch & Learn program with […]

Israeli Film Series: My Daughter My Love

Please join us for the Miami Beach JCC's Israeli Film Series screening of the movie - My Daughter My Love -  on Monday, December 16 at 7:30 pm. Nominated for four Israeli Academy Awards, this beautifully heartfelt and quietly joyous film features a breathtaking performance by Israel's renowned actor, Sasson Gabay (Karaoke, MJFF 2023), who stars as […]

Canasta Tournament with Elyse Kremins

Experience an exciting day of Canasta with levels for beginners, intermediate, and advanced players. Whether you come with a partner or alone, we’ll pair you up for a great game. Enjoy expert insights from coach Elyse Kremins and a delicious lunch while you play. Don’t miss out on this fun and positive event—stay tuned for […]

JCCU Day of Learning – Lunch & Learn – Author Eric Weintraub

This program was made possible by the generous support from Baptist Health 12:30 PM - JCC-U Lunch and Learn: Eric Weintraub - South of Sefarad: The 1492 Jewish Expulsion from Spain This debut novel tells the tale of a Spanish Jewish Family who went into exile after being expelled from Spain in 1492, leaving behind […]

Special Author event: Janna Brooke Wallack, Naked Girl

This stunning debut novel by Janna Brooke Wallack is about two siblings who grow up in 1980s Miami Beach, living off the land as they navigate the landscape created by their charismatic cult leader father.   Janna Brooke Wallack’s short stories have appeared in literary publications such as Hobart, Upstreet, and American Literary Review. Her […]

Sacred Jewish Conversations with Rabbi Weiner

Join us for a special class with Rabbi Cheryl Weiner on Friday December 6 and 13 at 12:00 pm: Sacred Jewish Conversations: Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations As We Age. Free and Open to the Community. Presented by Mishkan Miami’s Sacred Jewish Conversation Initiative. Accept our invitation to this upbeat workshop on wise aging and end […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event – Lihi Lapid

Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series with Lihi Lapid. Lihi Lapid’s nov­el, On Her Own, is a sto­ry of daugh­ters, moth­ers, and grand­moth­ers. Nina, the novel’s teenage pro­tag­o­nist, has run away from home fol­low­ing an argu­ment with her moth­er over a long-held dis­pute about Nina dat­ing an old­er man. On her first night with this […]

JCCU Day of Learning – Lunch & Learn: Surviving the Survivor Podcast

Surviving the Survivor Podcast JOEL WALDMAN PODCAST HOST Joel is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist. He brings more than two decades of experience crafting stories, including long-form documentaries. KARMELA WALDMAN PODCAST HOST Karm is a Holocaust survivor and has been a licensed marriage therapist for over 40 years. Many know her as Joel’s mom and […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event – Aleeza Ben Shalom

Join us for our virtual FL JCC Author Series with Aleeza Ben Shalom. In her par­a­digm-shift­ing book, Matchmaker, Matchmaker; Find me a Love That Lasts, Aleeza Ben Shalom, dat­ing coach and Net­flix star, will guide read­ers through her high­ly orig­i­nal per­spec­tive on dat­ing, reveal­ing the sur­pris­ing ways in which a person’s dat­ing habits direct­ly influ­ence their […]

Matchmaking – Israel Film Series

Please join us for the opening night of the Miami Beach JCC's Israeli Film Series, with the screening of the beautiful comedy Matchmaking on Monday, December 16, at 7:30 p.m. Endlessly witty, visually rapturous, and sweetly romantic, Matchmaking is a Romeo and Juliet-like saga . Matchmaking is Israel's biggest box office hit of the year, […]

Both Sides Now: Play Masterclass and Matinee with John Dalton

Join Theater Theory instructor John Dalton for a masterclass with the play's director and a matinee performance at the Gables Stage Theater.  Includes transportation and talk-backs at many of the performances.  Tickets for the matinee must be purchased in advance. Group ticket prices can be bought with Debbie Sack, Cultural Arts Administrative Assistant. BOTH SIDES […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event: Andrew Millen

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Join us for the virtual FL JCC Author Series with Andrew Mellen, the "most organized man in America," as he shares insights from his book Unstuff Your Life! Learn simple, lasting techniques to streamline your life, including never losing your keys, stopping paper clutter, managing bills, and reclaiming your space. Andrew shows you how to […]

JCC-U Day of Learning: A Day Full of Discovery, Conversation, and Connection

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Wednesday, January 8, 9:15 AM JCC-U Day of Learning: A Day Full of Discovery, Conversation, and Connection 9:15 AM - Coffee, Conversation, and Surprise Topic Start your JCC-U Day with the perfect blend of coffee, engaging conversation, and a dash of surprise topics. Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff will host this lively discussion that promises to […]

The Presidents’ Tailor Florida Premiere

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

The Presidents’ Tailor tells the remarkable story of Martin Greenfield, a Holocaust survivor who became America's most renowned tailor. Born Maximilian Grünfeld, he survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald, was liberated by Eisenhower, and later built a menswear empire. Over seven decades, Greenfield tailored suits for every president from Eisenhower to Obama, and a who’s who of […]

FL JCC Virtual Author Event: Tobias Buck

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Join us for our Virtual Author Series with Tobias Buck, author of Final Verdict. Buck’s compelling book takes us into a Hamburg courtroom, telling the story of Bruno Dey, a former Nazi guard charged with aiding in the murder of over 5,000 people. At 93, Dey faced justice 70 years after his crimes. Buck’s engaging […]

King of Sephardim Southeast US Premiere

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

The King of Sephardim is a documentary that reveals the life of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Israel's most influential religious figure. Through exclusive access to his inner circle and archives, the film explores his political and religious views, highlighting how his bold and sometimes liberal rulings shaped Israel’s religious and social landscape. Born in Iraq and […]

Neither By Day Nor By Night

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

In Bnei Brak, Israel, Shmuel and his French Sephardic Jewish family navigate life in a predominantly Ashkenazi community. His son, Rafael, a standout Talmud student, faces barriers when his Sephardic heritage prevents him from entering top yeshivas. Fueled by anger, Shmuel confronts the headmaster over this injustice. When a tragic accident changes their lives, Shmuel […]

Lisa Barr & Lauren Grodstein – Barbara Eisenberg Literary Luncheon Series

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Please join us for a very special Literary Luncheon event with two best selling authors, Lisa Barr and Lauren Grodstein as they talk about their latestt Warsaw Ghetto themed books, The Goddess of Warsaw & We Must Not Think of Ourselves, on Wedenesday, January 15th at 12:30 pm. The Goddess of Warsaw depicts Bina Blon­s­ki […]

Diane Warren: Relentless Florida Premiere

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Diane Warren is the most successful songwriter you’ve never heard of, with 15 Academy Award nominations, an Honorary Oscar, and Grammy, Emmy, and Golden Globe Awards. Known for iconic hits for Cher, Whitney Houston, Beyoncé, and more, she’s a fixture on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Songwriters Hall of Fame. From humble […]

Beyond October 7th Southeast US Premiere

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Israeli director Jasmine Kainy captures the trauma and grief of three generations of the Gad family, who survived the Hamas assault on October 7th. This intimate documentary follows their journey through loss, as they cope with the murder or abduction of friends, the destruction of their homes, and the uncertainty of rebuilding their Kibbutz in […]

Colleyville Florida Premiere

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

On January 15, 2022, Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker and three others were taken hostage during a typical Saturday morning at Congregation Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. The 11-hour standoff, streamed live to over 4,000 viewers, unfolded with local, state, and federal law enforcement, including a SWAT team and 70 FBI negotiators, on the scene. With […]

Midlife East Coast Premiere

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Midlife is a heartfelt love story that blends religious identity and romance, featuring some of Israel's biggest stars. It follows two estranged sisters, Ahinoam and Sari, whose lives take different paths but eventually bring them together in an unexpected way. After leaving her ultra-Orthodox husband, Ahinoam seeks refuge with Sari, who has left their religious […]

The Ride Ahead Florida Premiere

Miami Beach JCC 4221 Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Approaching his 21st birthday, Samuel Habib faces unique challenges living with GNAO1 Neurodevelopmental Disorder, a rare condition that causes seizures and involuntary movements. Despite relying on a communication device and wheelchair, Samuel is determined to overcome barriers like unemployment and institutionalization. In collaboration with his father, he challenges media stereotypes and interviews disability rights pioneers […]